This is a list of all my academic publications in chronological order. In a period of six years, I published seven peer-reviewed articles and two book chapters.

Peer-reviewed articles

  • Valeria Hernández-Hernández, Mariana Benítez, and Arezki Boudaoud. Interplay between turgor pressure and plasmodesmata during plant development. 2020. J. Exp. Bot., 71(3). doi:10.1093/jxb/erz434
  • Mariana Benítez, Valeria Hernández-Hernández, Stuart A. Newman, and Karl J. Niklas. Dynamical patterning modules, biogeneric materials, and the evolution of multicellular plants. 2018. Front. Plant Sci., 9. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00871
  • Valeria Hernández-Hernández, Rafael A. Barrio, Mariana Benítez, Naomi Nakayama, José Roberto Romero-Arias, and Carlos Villarreal. A physico-genetic module for the polarisation of auxin efflux carriers PIN-FORMED (PIN). 2018. Phys Biol, 15(3), 036002. doi: 10.1088/1478-3975/aaac99
  • José Roberto Romero-Arias, Valeria Hernández-Hernández, Mariana Benítez, Elena R. Alvarez- Buylla, and Rafael A. Barrio. A polar auxin transport model coupled to mechanical forces and cell proliferation dynamics are necessary to recover robust and resilient morphogenesis along Arabidopsis root. 2017. Phys Rev E, 95, 032410. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.95.032410
  • Valeria Hernández-Hernández, Denisse Rueda, Lorena Caballero, Elena R Alvarez-Buylla, and Mariana Benítez. Mechanical forces as information: an integrated approach to plant and animal development. 2014. Front Plant Syst Biol, 5: 265. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00265
  • Rafael A Barrio, José R Romero-Arias, Marco A Noguez, Eugenio Azpeitia, Elizabeth Ortiz-Gutiérrez, Valeria Hernández-Hernández, Yuriria Cortéz, and Elena R Álvarez-Buylla. Cell patterns emerge from coupled chemical and physical fields with cell proliferation dynamics: the Arabidopsis thaliana root as a study system. 2013. PLoS Compu Biol, 9(5): e1003026. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003026
  • Valeria Hernández-Hernández, Karl J Niklas, Stuart A Newman, and Mariana Benítez. Dynamical patterning modules in plant development and evolution. 2012. Int J Dev Biol, 56: 661 – 674. doi:10.1387/ijdb.120027mb

Book chapters

  • Valeria Hernández-Hernández and Cecilia González-González. Complejidad en sistemas biológicos. In: Complejidad y su tratamiento multidimensional, G.A. Laguna Sánchez et al., (Eds) Editora C3 – CopIt-arXives. 2016
© 2024 Valeria Hernandez