Valeria writes docs

Tutorial: create a deal with the Pipedrive API

Fueled by my passion for both Python and simplifying complex technical concepts, I’ve crafted a comprehensive step-by-step tutorial with readily implementable Python code snippets. I used Pipedrive's API robust functionality and the Python open source API wrapper pipedrive-python.
I wrote this tutorial with the following list of requirements in mind:
  • Every Page is Page One (EPPO)
Following Mark Baker’s suggestion, I treated this tutorial as a self-contained single product. An EPPO topic assumes that readers go straight to this topic without having read anything else. This assumption required me to:
  • Describe the context of the tutorial in the Overview section.
  • Link contextually near topics throughout the tutorial and in the Next steps section.
  • One action, one result per step
I carefully drafted the tutorial so that every action leads to only one result. The headings of the steps identify the main result, making the tutorial more easy to scan.
  • Prerequisites section
To prevent users from encountering unexpected roadblocks before they start working on the tasks of the tutorial, I’ve restructured the prerequisites into a bullet list and allocated them to a distinct section.
  • Optional step indicators
To provide more flexibility and adaptability, I identified which steps are optional, allowing users to tailor the tutorial to their specific needs and learning pace.
  • Summary section
To reinforce the learning experience, I included a Summary section that outlines the knowledge and skills developers gain after completing the tutorial.
  • Concrete visualization of the achievement
I added a screenshot of Pipedrive’s dashboard with the newly created deal. The visualization of the achievement further confirms the success of the API request.

Main goal:

  • Empower readers to utilize the pipedrive-python library and confidently create new deals through API requests.

Supporting goals:

  • Provide context about the Deals entity within Pipedrive's API, by providing a brief introduction to its key concepts and functionalities.
  • Ensure a smooth learning journey by outlining essential prerequisites, including software requirements, API access setup, and library installation.
  • Provide well-formatted and annotated code snippets that are ready for direct integration into Python scripts.
  • Equip readers with strategies to verify the success of the API request.
  • Direct readers to valuable additional resources to encourage further exploration and continuous learning.

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